• 发布时间: 2020 - 11 - 28
    “从诞生的那一刻起,我们就开始了自己独特的人生历程,体验着生活的五彩斑斓。爱,就像一个跳动的音符,与我们一路同行。当我们享受着美好的生活时,你可知道,这个世界,还有许许多多的人享受不了生活的美好以及大自然的热情。”--针对特殊人群,胜马优创LOTMAXX针对此次竞赛开展了形式多样、内容丰富的“助残”活动。关注残疾人劳动者立足于高质量就业岗位2020年11月23日至11月27日,广东省深圳市成功举办2020年全国行业职业技能竞赛——“宜生无忧杯”,全国残疾人岗位精英职业技能竞赛活动,本次竞赛活动由中国残联就业服务指导中心与人社部中国就业培训技术指导中心共同主办,由广东省残疾人联合会、深圳市残疾人联合会承办。 来自全国35个省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市的300余名选手参加了竞赛活动,其中以3D打印为主的高新技术项目,进一步体现了残疾人积极涉足高科技工作领域,有效促进了体面就业和高质量就业的实现。图为3D打印竞赛项目据了解,作为此次残疾人职业技能大赛的赞助商胜马优创LOTMAXX全方位助力赛事,为大赛顺利、圆满举行提供人力、物力保障。图为残疾选手正在参加3D打印竞赛项目图为残疾选手使用LOTMAXX正在制作的3D产品图为评审员为为参赛选手所完成的项目打分积极支持助残事业在2019年和2020年期间,LOTMAXX多次向事业有成的企业人士和各行爱心人士呼吁:要向最易受损的人群送去关怀,要用真情和实际行动把社会大家庭的温暖送进每一户残疾人家庭,让关爱的阳光照亮每一位残疾人的心灵;弘扬中华民族扶残助残的传统美德,理解、关心残疾人,平等视之,给予他们更多的关爱和帮助。 此次赞助残疾人职业技能大赛,更是体现出LOTMAXX一如既往对残疾人事业的支持,对公益事业的热衷。 最后,笔者呼吁,让我们一起携手共筑文明,在力所能及的情况下给与他们更多的帮助和关爱,只有这...
  • 发布时间: 2021 - 05 - 08
  • 发布时间: 2021 - 04 - 22
    自从去年疫情以来,3D打印机就热销欧美市场,也让更多的小白用户加入到了3D打印爱好者的行列。用户对桌面级的3D打印机也有了更多的要求,他们希望机器的功能可以更加丰富,比如实现双色打印、激光雕刻等。作为SC-10 SHARK的升级款产品,SC-10 SHARK V2推向市场后,就获得了用户和测评网红的广泛认可,数位网红在测评这款机器后,评价这可能是今年的最好的多功能3D打印机。能够收获专业测评网红的夸赞,SC-10 SHARK V2自然有它独特的优势。这款机器在SC-10 SHARK的基础上做了3大升级:1、改善了激光雕刻的安装方式,增大了激光雕刻的尺寸;2、升级了风扇设计方案,扇热效果更好;3、将可移动触摸屏的尺寸从原来的3.5寸升级成4.3寸,屏幕内置驱动芯片,屏幕响应更加灵敏;这款机器具备以下优势:模块化三合一3D打印机支持单色打印、双色打印、激光雕刻,可玩性更强,能够满足用户更多的打印需求。激光雕刻:激光雕刻功率为1.6 W,可以雕刻木材,皮革,纸张等材料双色打印:支持使用两台挤出机和一个喷嘴进行双色打印可拓展自动调平模块机身预留自动调平接口,可兼容3D Touch和BL Touch4.3寸手持触摸屏可移动手持触摸屏,粗摸灵敏,操作灵活、简易磁吸热床+钢制打印平台无需夹子固定,取模型更方便标配5个TMC2208静音驱动打印过程噪音更小标配明纬电源高品质的品牌电源,确保打印安全、低故障采用STM32芯片性能更高、功耗更低支持8种语言UI操作系统支持8种语言。它们是英语,德语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,日语和中文双此轮金属挤出机可以显著提到挤出的稳定性,提升打印速度,改善打印质量断料检测以及断料报警标配断料检测功能,避免浪费耗材和模型断电续打和断点续打同时支持断电续打和断点续打,以避免浪费模型和打印时间机身采用阳极氧化工艺机身色彩更有金属质感,机身外观更漂亮机身...
  • 发布时间: 2020 - 05 - 16
  • 发布时间: 2021 - 03 - 16
    2018年3月,在得州奥斯汀举办的西南偏南大会上,一幢巨大的3D打印房屋模型吸引了所有人的注意。4年过去了,不光是这个模型在现实中成了真,甚至在全美范围已经有不止一个3D打印住房小区出现在真实的生活中。那个模型是一家奥斯汀本地的3D打印公司Icon和当地的一家非营利组织New Story共同开发的一幢3D打印房屋。 当时,Icon的创始人之一Jason Ballard对记者表示,这座用3D打印机打印的房子造价只有1万美金。“如果未来技术更加纯熟,将有可能降低到4000美金。”他当时介绍,这样的技术可以帮助人们建造一个大概80平米的房子。在当时的会展上,Jason希望这个模型可以真正被投入使用,帮助全世界流浪人口解决活下去最起码的居所问题。 当时,全球约有12亿人口处于流离失所的状态。时间距离当时这个展览过去了三年,他们的3D打印房屋终于在去年底迎来了自己的第一个“流浪“主人——70岁高龄的流浪老人Tim Shea。整栋房子一室一厅,拥有独立厨房和卫浴。这个大约40平米的房子成为了Icon和New Story实现诺言的第一个里程碑,也是3D打印房屋应用在生活中,改变人类生活的第一步。“如果人们能够看看这个世界的不同角落,你会发现很多人其实只是需要一个小小的支持和鼓励。”Shea在接受《纽约邮报》采访时表示。按照Icon的计算,打印这样一套最大80平米的房子,只需要12-24小时就可以完成,远远比在美国利用人工建立一个房子需要几个月甚至半年来的快很多,也减少了很多不必要的浪费。Icon对外表示,自己将在El Salvador和海地建立至少100个这样的3D打印房屋给无家可归者。建造过程中,他们的3D打印机为Icon自己研发的Vulcan II,售价大约25万美金。在3D打印过程中,打印机中的材料为混凝土,比美国一般房屋建造的木质房屋更坚固和防水。 打印过程就是这样按照提前设计的...
  • 参数材质光敏树脂硬度79.0推荐曝光参数第一层曝光时间:20-60s,正常曝光时间:5-15s粘度(25℃)552.0 mpa.s液体密度1.100g/cm³波长405nmDensity of Solid1.184g/cm³弯曲模量23.4MPA固体密度~500g/500ml抗拉强度23.4MPA颜色10种裂缝延伸14.2%


  • 亲爱的,LOTMAXX 的整个团队,衷心感谢所有这些专业且独立的 3D 打印机测评人对我们品牌和 SC-10 的信任和奉献。
  • 这个lotmaxx sc-10 的独立评测视频是由 3DPrintingPro 的独立 3D 打印机评测员制作的。 展示了一些惊人的印刷品!
  • 这个lotmaxx sc-10 的独立评论视频是由独立的 3D 打印机评论家 Nisal Hewagamage 制作的。
  • 在本视频中,我们分享了五种实用的方法来为您的 LOTMAXX SC-10 疏通堵塞的喷嘴,所有方法仅供您参考,请根据您的实际情况进行操作。
  • 亲爱的大家, 在本视频中,我们将向您展示我们如何为 LOTMAXX SC-10 更换主板。
  • 亲爱的大家, 在此视频中,我们想与您分享我们如何为 LOTMAXX SC-10 更换加热管和热敏电阻。
  • 在本视频中,我们很乐意向您展示由我们的 LOTMAXX SC-10 打印的令人惊叹的 3D 打印蝴蝶,并希望我们所有人都能从中得到启发。
  • 在本视频中,我们想向您展示我们如何使用 LOTMAXX SC-10 打印一些迷你卡车和鸡蛋,请观看并享受。
  • 在本视频中,我们想与您分享我们精选的 LOTMAXX SC-10 打印的 3D 打印件,包括开瓶器、松鼠、橡子壁虎,希望我们能一起获得更多灵感。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
    财政部公布了第四批《废弃电器电子产品处理基金补贴企业名单》。连同此前公布的三批,目前共有107家被纳入基金补贴范围,北京市共有三家:华新绿源环保产业发展有限公司(简称“华新环保")、伟翔联合环保科技发展(北京)有限公司和北京市危险废物处置中心,其中香蕉皮是华新环保旗下的回收网站。 虽然我国家电回收行业正规军的规模再次扩大,但是整个回收行业的尴尬仍然没有解除:正规军不敌游击队,很多正规回收企业面临着无米下锅的窘境。任露介绍说,依据不完全统计,北京一年产生的废弃电子电器物在一千万台左右,但真正到正规回收企业的只有三百多万台,更多的是被游击队回收进行不正规的处理。 这种情况并非仅限北京地区。根据《中国废弃电器电子产品回收处理及综合利用行业白皮书2013》内容显示,2013年我国“四机一脑”合计理论报废量为10980.18万台,但纳入补贴名单的处理企业的实际拆解处理量刚刚达到4000万台,处理量不足报废量的四成。 在任露看来,游击队直接冲击到回收行业,一来游击队的散户体系比较庞大,远远高于正规行业,第二是游击队的综合回收成本非常低。正是因为游击队的存在,很多回收正规军在收购不到原料的情况下不得不频频停产。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
    国家工商行政管理总局9月4日宣布,从现在起到2015年底,将在全国范围内对家用电子电器、服装鞋帽、装饰装修材料、交通工具、有关服务等重点领域开展消费维权工作。近年来,有关家用电子电器的申诉一直居消费申诉总量首位。工商部门将以家电、通讯器材、电脑等商品为重点,集中解决商品质量参差不齐、售后服务无保障、维修服务质量差等突出问题,依法查处以假充真、以次充好、虚假标注等违法行为。 服装鞋帽是大众化日常消费品,引发消费纠纷的几率较大,特别是儿童服装的质量关乎下一代健康成长。工商部门将以服装鞋帽、儿童服装、儿童用品等商品为重点,集中解决标识标注不规范、质量不达标、存在安全隐患等突出问题。当前,一些劣质装饰装修材料存在严重安全隐患,危及公众健康。工商部门将以人造板及其制品、木器涂料、内墙涂料、胶粘剂、陶瓷地砖等装饰装修材料和家具等商品为重点,集中解决违反装饰装修材料有害物质限量标准要求的质量安全问题。 近期,电动自行车超速、超重,汽车配件假冒伪劣所引起的交通事故不断发生。工商部门将以汽车灯具、刹车片、制动软管等汽车配件和电动自行车等商品为重点,集中解决不符合安全标准、没有产品合格证等突出问题。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
    6月18日,由民政部批准的“中国家用电器服务维修协会延保服务专业委员会”(简称延保专委会)在京成立。 据介绍,中国家电服务维修协会在对国际企业家电延保服务调研的基础上,形成了一整套在我国推动延保服务的计划。自2007年以来,支持新可安、安信龙等来自美国的国际延保专业公司在我国开拓市场,举办家电延保服务论坛;2011年,协会发布了《家电延保服务规范》行规;2012年9月,民政部批准成立协会延保服务专业委员会。据了解,目前消费者对于延保产品的兴趣主要集中在延长产品保修期和出现意外有保障两个方面。在各类家电产品中,手机、电脑、平板电视等用户购买延保服务的比率占一半以上;延保服务价格、延保服务的保修内容和范围是目前顾客主要的关注点;而加强延保销售和服务人员培训、加强行业监管力度等是目前延保服务行业亟须解决的问题。据中国家电服务维修协会常务副会长赵泽蕊介绍,按照我国现行的电子电器商品系列“三包”规定,“三包”以内的产品修理、退货、换货在责任条款内是免费服务的,责任条款外要收费。家电延保服务,是企业为消费者提供的“三包”范围以外或企业保修责任外的延长保修时间或扩大保修范围的有偿服务,是对“三包”规定的保修时间和保修内容的补充、扩大和延续。家电延保服务对帮助消费者降低家电产品维修成本、提高家电产品使用的保障能力、提升家电维修人员的服务水平有着积极的促进作用。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
    近日,马来西亚能源委员会调整了强制性认证电子电器类产品清单,电子电器类强制性认证产品将从现有的31类增加至34类,主要是增加了空调、适配器/充电器、按摩器三类产品,将电吹风更换为蒸发器,驱蚊器更换为电动剃须刀两类产品。新增加产品的强制性认证将自2013年1月1日生效。 马来西亚电子电器产品认证的法律依据有两个:《电力供应法(1990)》和《电器设备批准条例(1994)》,这两个法律都由能源委员会执行。前者针对电力供应规定了电力安装的许可和控制、配送电力设备的安全以及保护人身安全等方面的要求,后者则规定了任何制造商、进口商、展览商、销售商和广告商的电器产品必须保证符合标准要求,获得认可证书(COA),并加贴SIRIM标签/标志,否则就不能在马来西亚市场上销售。在COA期满前14天,电器产品的制造商、进口商、展览商和广告商必须提出对COA进行复审的申请。 根据《电器设备批准条例(1994)》的规定,产品进行认证依据的标准主要是国家标准和等同采用的IEC标准,有的产品甚至直接使用IEC标准。对此,检验检疫部门提醒相关企业:一是及时按要求完成企业产品的强制性认证,做好前置工作;二是在产品生产过程中严格按照IEC标准生产,因为马来西亚电子电器类产品认证的相关标准大部分是采用IEC标准,即使部分采用国家标准,也是以IEC标准为基础修订的;三是加强与检验检疫机构沟通,及时了解相关标准变更情况;四是积极开拓新兴市场,规避风险。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
    平板显示、半导体产业用相关材料技术及市场交流会在浙江衢州举行。记者从会上了解到,全球电子信息技术的快速发展强劲带动了对化工新材料的需求。与会专家表示,平板显示产业中化学材料占比达到35%~40%,电子化学品市场空间巨大,预计未来几年市场容量年均增速超过15%。 工信部电子信息司副司长彭红兵在会上指出,美国、日本控制了全球70%左右电子化学品市场,我国主要依靠进口产品满足国内市场需求,这已成为国内电子信息产业加速发展的制约因素。随着平板显示市场逐步回暖,2012年全球液晶面板市场规模达到1077亿美元,同比增长8%;我国平板显示产业规模为410亿元,较上年增长30%。 中国电子材料行业协会副秘书长袁桐认为,电子化学品是电子材料与精细化工相结合的高新技术产品,国内电子化学品产业正处于高速发展期,预计到2015年市场容量将达到400亿~450亿元,年均增速逾15%。 华东理工大学化学工程研究所许振良教授表示,电子化工材料是电子信息产业的重要基础,我国要想在下一代三网融合、新型平板显示、物联网等新一代电子信息技术高新领域掌握话语权,就必须重视电子化学品产业的发展,尤其是超净高纯无机化学品的研究、开发和生产十分重要。近几年来,国产电子化学品从太阳能电池、半导体到液晶面板、智能移动显示屏等,应用领域不断延伸,制造能力不断提升,年产能从5.7万吨发展到13.4万吨,并涌现出巨化集团、格林达、晶瑞化学等一批颇具竞争力的骨干企业。据了解,巨化集团规划在3年内把电子化学品产业园培育成替代进口的先进生产基地,使湿化学品和特种电子气体国产化率达到90%以上。 针对电子化学品如何替代进口的问题,浙江凯圣氟化学有限公司总经理田志扬建议,要加快搭建产学研结合的平台,积极争取国家政策引导扶持,并希望国家取消电子化学品进口的相关税收优惠政策,鼓励优势电子化学品的出口。他还呼吁业界成立电子化学品与功能材料联合...
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 30
    据2011年中消协公布的上半年投诉受理分析显示,质量投诉占到了总投诉量的半数以上。在所有受理投诉中,家用电子电器类投诉占到总投诉总量的两成多。在针对家电质量的投诉中,家电“过保就坏”成为消费者抱怨的主要原因。 据悉,家电“过保就坏”与家电产品本身更新换代速度有着很大的关系。 据空调制冷大市场调查显示,家电更新换代的一个显著特点就是,功能的显著增加。就如,原先的电视只能够看固定的电视节目,现在的却增加了互联网功能、智能功能和3D功能等。一个小小的加湿器,不仅有加湿功能,还增添了音乐功能。而这几年家电的利润已经远没有早些年的利润空间大。为了在激烈的竞争中存活,一些非品牌小企业在利用价格优势外也在不断增加家电的功能。然而在功能增加的同时,技术往往不过硬,结果导致功能越多,反而在后期使用过程中越容易出毛病。作为商家,最终追求的是取得商品利润的最大化。然而作为消费者,追求的是物美且价廉的家电产品。家电生产商既要赚取更多的利润,又要压低成本以适应市场竞争。如何解决,从政治经济学的角度上,追求新产品的研发和款式只是解决问题的一个方面。解决问题的另一个方面只能从产品本身着手。据记者了解,从去年以来,在铜价和钢材原材料上涨的压力下,许多家电生产商家都在着手寻找铜和钢材的替代品,有的干脆用铝替代铜来降低产品的价格。使用替代品以后,家电的使用安全寿命缩短也就成为很自然的事了。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 30
    “要推行好家电以旧换新政策,拆解企业十分关键。去年我省未纳入第一批试点省份,原因就是当时的家电拆解能力不能达到国家的要求。 ”在我省家电以旧换新政策培训会上,省商务厅副厅长张光建说。作为家电大省,家电以旧换新对扩大内需、推动我省家电产业发展的作用不言而喻。因此,自去年以来,我省加快了家电拆解项目的建设,迎头补上“短腿科目”。目前,全省达到国家家电拆解要求的拆解企业已有15家。截至6月18日记者发稿时,环保厅初步选出5家拆解企业,交由省政府做最终确定。据介绍,有关部门今后将视旧家电回收情况增加指定的拆解企业。 达到国家有关标准的我省拆解企业,现在的拆解能力又如何呢?省环保厅污防处副调研员姚晓群告诉记者,以目前我省拆解企业的水平来看,尚不能将旧家电进行彻底、深度地拆解。其中有些家电零部件拆下后,囿于技术局限性,可能无法提炼出其中的贵金属。拆解企业会将这部分材料运往下游企业进行进一步分解。滁州超越新兴废弃物处置有限公司是环保厅这次初选的5家拆解企业之一。该公司副总经理蒋龙进告诉记者,公司目前拥有各种处理设备和辅助设备60多台套,具有年处理2万吨工业、医疗废弃物及拆解废旧电子电器产品的能力。以冰箱为例,该公司采取机械、人工相结合的拆解方式,目前的拆解能力为400至500台/天,一年拆解十几万台旧电器不成问题。 “我们在接收到旧家电后,首先进行详细分类,对家电中可回收利用的部分,如塑料,进行造粒,做成原料;对于金属则压块回收。而目前不可利用的部分,如冰箱中的发泡层,我们有自己的焚烧炉,将对此进行环保无害化处理。如遇无法提炼的家电材料,我们会送到其他有条件的企业进行分解。 ”蒋龙进说。有资料显示,旧家电中1吨电子板卡中可以提炼得到453克黄金,而普通含金矿石(砂)中每吨平均只能提取2克左右。此外,旧家电中铜、锡等贵金属的含量同样惊人。 有业内人士估算,废旧家电回收利润在20%以上,蕴含...
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 30
    据《宁波日报》报道,法国上个月开始实施的新电子电器垃圾回收制度,对我国电子出口企业的不利影响开始逐步显现。一些企业担心欧盟其他国家效仿法国,陆续实施这种制度,将对我电子产品出口不利。 按照法国电子电器垃圾回收新制度的要求,从今年11月15日起,所有电子电器销售商在出售新产品时不得拒收顾客返回的同类废旧电子电器产品,而生产厂家必须负责妥善处理这些废旧电子电器。新制度涉及的电子电器垃圾分三大类,即家用电器、音像设备和电子办公设备,凡是需要用电、电池或蓄电池才能运转的设备都属于必须回收之列。处理电子电器垃圾所需的不菲费用对出口企业来说将是一笔很重的负担。业内人士预计,处理费用大约占到家电出口成本的10%左右,如此一来一些企业将无利润空间。 作为出口法国机电产品最多的地区之一,宁波的企业最先感受到了新规定带来的寒意。为此一些专家提醒说,作为国内三大家电生产基地之一的宁波家电企业,应该积极面对这一挑战,借此进一步提升“环保竞争力”的意识,及早调整自己的产品结构和出口结构,只有这样才能将对欧盟出口的影响降至最低。
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 30
    随着中国照明产品在世界各国市场所占份额越来越大,逐渐引起国际市场的惶恐,出于保护本土工业的本能,一些国家和跨地区国际组织不断设置技术壁垒和贸易壁垒进行拦截。粗略统计一下,近年来先后有欧盟WEEE指令(《关于报废电子电器设备指令》)、RoHS指令(《关于在电子电器设备中禁止使用某些有害物质指令》)、EUP指令(《用能产品生态设计框架指令》)。对于这些指令,中国企业基本只能被动适应。到目前为止,无论是照明行业还是家电行业,都没有自己的行业标准成为国际标准,而只是把国际标准或者国际惯例作为自己的标准。这实在是我们这个制造大国的悲哀。我们愤怒于我们被一些“标准”强暴的同时,也不得不承认我们与别人之间存在的巨大差距! 据报载,由于上述“国际标准”横亘在面前,中国至少有120亿美元的机电产品(其中也包括照明产品)被欧盟拒之门外—————大量供货商由于所生产的零部件不能达标,将被迫退出国际市场的竞争。从今年8月13日起,向欧盟出口各类电器的中国生产企业都将额外承担高额的电子垃圾处理费用,而且还要对现有的不合格原材料进行替换。这项法案实际上包括两个指令《关于报废电子电器设备指令》(WEEE指令)和《关于在电子电器设备中禁止使用某些有害物质指令》(ROHS指令),前者要求生产商、进口商和经销商在今年8月13日以后必须负责回收、处理进入欧盟市场的废弃电器和电子产品,后者则要求2006年7月1日以后投放欧盟市场的电器和电子产品不得含有铅、汞、镉等6种有害物质。这两道所谓的“双绿指令”无疑给中国家电照明企业进入发达国家市场制造了巨大的障碍。 其实欧盟对于WEEE和ROHS“双绿指令“的实施酝酿已久,其根本目的就是要对目前形势严峻的电子消费品污染进行严格控制。其中WEEE指令主要是防治电子电气废弃物,同时实现这些废弃物的再利用。当然,也不排除给中国企业设置贸易壁垒的企图。 根据条例,对于来自私人家庭...
  • 发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 30
    行业背景      光电LED行业是一个新兴产业,近年来呈现出迅猛发展的态势,产值指标一路“扶摇直上”。随着人民币汇率上涨,原材料和人力成本的不断攀升,市场竞争日趋激烈。各种新技术、新方法、新设计、新产品层出不穷,企业竞争核心由快速响应能力演变为技术创新能力,产品研发成为了企业竞争的主战场。几乎所有成功的光电LED企业都是研发项目管理的领跑者,一套优秀的研发管理体系对企业的高速运营和获得持续竞争力发挥着强大的支撑作用,是企业升级转型的加速器,在缩短研发项目周期、降低成本、增加价值及提升技术创新能力等方面为企业带来诸多益处。       管理困惑      产品研发管理是极具挑战性的工作,面临市场、客户的压力,需要与内外部的各部门协调,这对项目经理和项目成员都提出了更高的要求。在研发项目管理中,管理者常常面临着如下困惑:      1、没有以市场为导向,产品研发滞后市场需求      2、不清楚产品研发的全过程,各环节衔接不畅      3、技术评审流于形式,设计变更随意性大      4、项目关键节点难以有效控制,项目质量不高      5、团队沟通不畅,士气不高;跨部门协作不畅      6、领导无法全面掌控项目状况,决策缺乏数据支持      7、资源没有合理...

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

日期: 2020-01-03

Learn about best practices for 3D slicer settings in this guest post from 3D printing community Pinshape. Slice like a champ and get better prints!

Guest Post: This article originally appeared on the Pinshape Blog. Text and images reproduced with kind permission of the team at Pinshape.

Proper 3D slicer settings can mean the difference between a successful print, and a failed print. That’s why it’s so important to know how slicers work and how each different setting will affect your results.

We understand that the many settings on slicing software can be intimidating, especially for beginner makers. Sometimes even advanced makers make mistakes and end up with failed prints. Just ask Pinshaper & experienced 3D printer, Zheng3! His picture below illustrates a simple but effective example of the difference that 3D slicer settings can have on a print.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

Part of the problem is that the optimal slicer settings depend on what design you’re printing and what material you’re using, so there is no “one setting fits all” perfect setting. The big question, then, is: how do you know what slicer settings to use on which designs & material? 

To break it down, let’s go through some of the basic features of a slicer, and talk about how each setting will affect your print. This is more of an introduction to the topic than an in-depth guide.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

What Is a 3D Slicer & What Does It Do?

A slicer is 3D printing software that converts digital 3D models into printing instructions for your 3D printer to create an object. The slicer cuts your CAD model into horizontal layers based on the settings you choose, and calculates how much material your printer will need to be extrude and how long it will take to do it.  All of this information is then bundled up into a GCode file which is sent to your printer. Slicer settings do impact the quality of your print so it’s important to have the right software and settings to get you the best quality print possible.

For the examples, we will use Cura (version 15.04.3), a free slicer with similar features to most other slicers.

The basic settings menu in an older version of Cura looks like this:

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

8 Slicer Settings You Need to Know & How They Work!

1. Layer Height

Think of layer height as the resolution of your print. This setting specifies the height of each filament layer in your print.  Prints made with thinner layers will create more detailed prints with a smoother surface where it’s difficult to see the individual filament layers. The downfall of thinner layers is that it takes more time to print something, since there will be more layers that make up your object.

If you’re printing something without detail, a thicker layer will get you a faster print but it will be a rougher surface and the individual layers will be more visible.  Low resolution printing is good for things like prototyping where details may not be necessary.

If you want to print something with intricate details, you will get the best print with a thinner layer height. Cura recommends settings of .06mm for a high resolution print like this Tudor Rose Box by Louise Driggers

EDIT: After consulting with a few of our community makers, we found that a layer height of .06mm is not a realistic setting for most FDM printers. Here is what one of our pro makers Dan Steele recommends for detailed settings:

.4mm nozzle fine = .1mm average=.2mm rough=.34mm

.35mm nozzle fine= ,1mm avg = .2mm rough = .3mm

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

For medium resolution designs, Cura recommends .1mm. Unless you’re printing something with lots of detail, medium settings should work perfectly for most designs with some level of detail like this Spiral Chess Set by BigBadBison. This is the layer height we use as our go-to in the Pinshape office on our Ultimaker 2.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

Larger layers work best for prints that don’t have a lot of detail.  Cura recommends .2mm for a “low resolution” print with little detail like this Elephant by le FabShop.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

PRO TIP: 3D printing veteran Chris Halliday recommends changing one setting at a time, keeping track of how each incremental change affects your print!

2. Shell Thickness

Shells refers to the number of times the outer walls of the design are traced by the 3D printer before starting the hollow inner sections of your design. This defines the thickness of the side walls and is one of the biggest factors in the strength of your print. Increasing this number will create thicker walls and improve the strength of the print. It is automatically set to .8 so there shouldn’t be any reason to change this for decorative prints.  If you print something that will need more durability, or if you’re creating a water-tight print like a vase, you may want to increase shell thickness.

3. Retraction

This feature tells the printer to pull the filament back from the nozzle and stop extruding filament when there are discontinuous surfaces in your print, like this one:

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

Retraction is usually always enabled, unless your print doesn’t have any discontinuous surfaces in it. This setting can sometimes cause filament to get clogged in your nozzle during a print in which case you probably want to disable it. If you find there is too much filament oozing out of the nozzle, leaving your print with a bunch of strings or clumps on the outer edges, then be sure to turn on retraction.

4. Fill Density

Infill refers to the density of the space inside the outer shell of an object. You’ll notice this is measured in % instead of mm like the layer height.  If an object is printed with 100% infill, it will be completely solid on the inside. The higher the percentage of infill, the stronger and heavier the object will be, and the more time and filament it will take to print. This can get expensive and time consuming if you’re printing with 100% infill every time – so keep in mind what you’ll be using your print for.

If you’re creating an item for display, 10-20% infill is recommended.  If you need something that is going to be more functional and sturdy, 75-100% infill is  more appropriate.  Cura infill creates a grid like pattern inside your object which gives the top layers of your model more support.

One of our community members, Dan Steele is a fan of more infill than less:

“For infill I have rarely found myself regretting adding to much, and have often been disappointed by adding to little.  

For something with a large surface area on top I would generally use a minimum of 18% infill.  

For something I wanted to be mechanically strong I would throw an extra shell in and go up to 40% infill.”

To see the effects of different infill settings yourself, check out Eunny’s great Infill display for teaching.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

5. Print Speed

Print speed refers to the speed at which the extruder travels while it lays down filament. Optimal settings depend on what design you’re printing, the filament you’re using, the printer, and your layer height. Of course, everyone wants to print their object as quickly as possible, but fast print speeds can cause complications and messy looking prints.

For complicated prints, a slower speed will give you a higher quality print. A good starting point that Cura recommends is 50mm/s. You can also play around with speed and see what works best for your printer.

6. Supports

Supports are structures that help hold up 3D objects that don’t have enough base material to build off of as they are being printed. Since objects are printed in layers, parts of an object that extend past a 45 degree angle will have nothing for the first layer of filament to build on. These are called overhangs and can create a drooping look without supports.

How do you know whether or not your design needs supports?

Just remember, Joe Larson’s YHT rule:

    1. Anything in a “Y” shape is safe to print without support because it’s a gradual slope which still has enough material beneath it to keep it from drooping. This is another way to think of the 45 Degree Rule, whichstates that in general, overhangs with a slope greater than 45 degrees will require supports.

    2. Designs that take the form of an “H”, where the middle overhang connects to either side is called bridging.  Any type of bridge should have supports to prevent drooping or a messy print.

    3. Anything with a “T” shaped overhang will need support to avoid drooping.


In the drop down menu, there are two types of support you can choose from:

Touching Build Plate – this is for designs where the section of the design that needs the support can  attach to the build plate like this:

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

Everywhere – This is for more complex designs where there may be a layer of the design that overhangs in a place that won’t attach to a support coming from the build plate.  The top nut on this design has an overhang but because there is another bolt at the bottom, it won’t attach to supports that come from the plate. Instead, these supports go in between parts of the design and touch the to of the model.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

7. Platform Adhesion Type

These settings will affect how your model sticks to the print bed. Warping at the bottom of a design can be a main culprit for prints not sticking to a print bed, but there are two main settings you can adjust to help with platform adhesion:

  • Raft: A horizontal grid that goes under the object that acts as a platform to stick to the bed and build from. They can also be useful when printing models with small parts at the bottom of your print, like animal feet.  If you do choose to use a raft, it will leave rough edges on the bottom of your print when you remove it.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

Brim: Like a brim of a hat, brims are lines around the bottom of the object which keep the corners of your model down without leaving marks on the bottom of the object.  This is a better option if your main objective is to get your model to stick to the print bed. Brims can also be used to stabilize delicate parts of an object that are isolated from the rest of the model like the legs of a table.

3D Slicer Settings for Beginners: 8 Things You Need to Know

8. Initial layer thickness

This is located in advanced settings in Cura and refers to the thickness of your very first layer on the print bed.  If you want a more sturdy base for your print, you can make the initial layer thicker. The default on Cura is .3mm which gives a thick bottom layer that’s easy to build on and sticks to the platform well.

What’s the difference between initial layer thickness and bottom/top thickness in the basic settings?  While the initial layer thickness is the very first layer that goes down, the bottom and top thickness refers to how many mm of solid material will be set down before your infill is created.

These are the basic settings for a slicer program – if you want to get into more advanced territory, there are more settings but these are the main ones a beginner needs to be aware of.

PRO TIP: When venturing into more complicated prints, 3D printing pro Zheng3 has a few steps to  add on to Chris Halliday’s advice on changing one setting at a time:

  1. 1. Write down all your settings. Label these settings as a group with a capital letter. e.g. rex_A, rex_B, rex_C. Screenshots of print settings will be handy here.

  2. 2. Write the letter on the finished print with a Sharpie so that you can reference the results when you’re studying a barrel full of mostly-identical test prints.

  3. 3. Change one and only one slicing parameter and repeat from step 1 until you are satisfied with the print.

4 Different 3D Slicer Programs

If you haven’t figured out which slicer program works best with your printer, here’s some options on the market to get you started:

Cura (Free)

Cura is made by Ultimaker and is extremely user friendly & fast so it’s great for beginners. It is not a proprietary software so it works for multiple different printers. The tradeoff of the ease of use is that you have less control over some of the more detailed settings.  There are, however lots of plugin options for you to add if you need any of those extra features. Download Cura

Slic3r (Free)

This is an open source slicing project started by the RepRap Community & works on multiple printers. Their focus and design goal is ease of use and maintaining the original design. One unique feature is that it allows you to vary the infill pattern across layers which can increase the strength of your print.  The user interface has improved dramatically since they just started and it has positive reviews from most of the community.  Download Slic3r

Simplify3D ($149 USD)

This is one of the paid slicers on the market —  so why should you choose to pay when you have so many other options for free? The main point we’ve heard from the community is speed & control.  It has so many detailed settings which include the ability to see and adjust every layer of your model & creates better quality supports that you can manually place and are easier to remove.  It is also extremely fast at slicing. Apparently the fastest on the market. Another bonus is their software is compatible with many different printers and offers support for close to 200 3D printers.

Although there is no free trial version of this software, they do let you return the software within two weeks if you don’t like it. If you are a more advanced maker and care about control and speed, the investment might be worth it! Buy Simplify3D

Makerbot Desktop (Free)

Formerly known as Makerware, the Makerbot slicer software has been rebranded as Makerbot Desktop. The settings are similar to Cura and are very basic and easy to navigate.  You can also create custom profiles in this software but there is no user interface for this function so you must use a text editor. Feedback from the community is that it can be very slow compared to alternatives. You can download this software from the Makerbot website.

PRO TIP: Still need some advice on how to figure out slicers? Here’s a great overall tip from a 3D printing expert Richard Horne, compliments of 3D printing for beginners:

“Print out lots of 20mm cubes. It’s quite a boring object, but it can help ensure you have a well setup and calibrated machine.”



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